Conference Update

Parents & Students,

Our goal of Youth Conference ‘21 was to create a place for Youth to have fun in Community and be encouraged through powerful messages. Last night, we saw that happen & it was incredible to see God move.

Today, we found out that one of our Team Members has tested positive for COVID-19. This means that our Worship Team, Youth Staff & Leaders have possibly been exposed. Out of an abundance of caution, we feel we can no longer safely put on the remaining days of the Conference. We will be fully refunding all registrations and will be cancelling the remaining two days of the conference.

I understand how disappointed/frustrated you might be with this news. We’ve all dealt with things being cancelled from COVID for the last year and a half. We hoped we were near the end of it. We tried to think of any way we could still put on this Conference safely, but were unable to find a solution that worked. I’m happy to follow up with you, if you have any questions, or if I can provide any additional information.

Over the next few weeks we will be sending information about what our Fall looks like for ONE&ALL Youth, but we’re excited to create safe ways for them to be in Community.

Please continue to keep our students, staff and church in your prayers. We’ll be following CDC protocols to ensure there is no further exposure.

In Christ,
Sean Lord
Lead Youth Pastor
ONE&ALL Church