
Online Archive

New Services Will Be Posted Every Saturday

5K Week 1

May 1st & 2nd

Bottom Line: Keep practicing what matters most.

Bible Passage: 1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Memory Verse: 1 Timothy 4:8 (NIV)

Reconnect Week 4

April 24th & 25th

Bottom Line: You can show you care about others by being part of the solution.

Bible Passage: 1 Samuel 25:1-35

Memory Verse: Romans 14:19 (NIV)

Reconnect Week 3

April 17th & 18th

Bottom Line: You can show you care about others by walking away from a fight.

Bible Passage: Genesis 26:1-6, 12-22, 26-31

Memory Verse: Romans 14:19 (NIV)

Reconnect Week 2

April 10th & 11th

Bottom Line: We can make peace with others. 

Bible Passage: Colossians 3:15

Memory Verse: Romans 14:19 (NIV)

EASTER | Reconnect Week 1

April 3rd & 4th

Bottom Line: God made peace with us.

Bible Passage: Colossians 1:20, John 20:1-18

Memory Verse: Romans 14:19 (NIV)