
Online Archive

New Services Will Be Posted Every Saturday

Easter (1st-5th Grade)

April 11th & 12th

Where did you see God in our story today?
How did Jesus put His enemies first? How did Jesus put you first?
What does Easter mean to you? If you’ve heard the Easter story lots of times already, what’s something that stuck out to you today in particular? Is there anything you heard that you hadn’t really thought about yet?

Upside Down Week 1

April 4th & 5th

Where did you see God in our story today?
How have you put someone first recently?
How can you put others first this week? Who is someone specific you can put first and how are you going to do it?

DIY Week 5

March 28th & 29th

Where did you see God in our story today?
What are things people do when they hold a grudge? (silent treatment, trash talk about people or share things about someone you shouldn’t, be angry or be bitter towards someone, post negative stuff on social media, spend time plotting ways to get even, etc.)
What if a friend says something unkind to you and they never say they are sorry? Do you still forgive them? Do you only forgive someone if they ask you? How would it affect your relationship if you forgave them?

DIY Week 4

March 21st & 22nd

  1. Where did you hear God in our story today?
  2. When has someone forgiven you?
  3. Does the world seem like a forgiving or unforgiving place to you? How can you help the people around you be more forgiving people?

DIY Week 3

March 14th & 15th

  1. Where did you see God in our story today? 
  2. When is it hard to forgive someone? What can keep us from forgiving someone?
  3. How can knowing we are all created in God’s image help you to forgive others?