
Online Archive

New Services Will Be Posted Every Saturday

Ready, Set, Move! Week 4 | Early Chil...

June 24th & 25th

Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Bible Passage: Acts 12:1-19

Memory Verse: Matthew 4:19 (NCV)  

Ready, Set, Move! Week 3 | Early Chil...

June 17th & 18th

Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Bible Passage: Acts 10

Memory Verse: Matthew 4:19 (NCV)

Ready, Set, Move! Week 2 | Early Chil...

June 10th & 11th

Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Bible Passage: Acts 9:10-31

Memory Verse: Matthew 4:19 (NCV)

Ready, Set, Move! Week 1 | Early Chil...

June 3rd & 4th

Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Bible Passage: Acts 9:1-9

Memory Verse: Matthew 4:19 (NCV)

To The Rescue Week 4 | Early Childhood

May 27th & 28th

Bottom Line: God made me to help others.

Bible Passage: Genesis 24:15-20

Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 32:8 (NLT)