
Online Archive

New Services Will Be Posted Every Saturday

Lemonade Stand Week 5

May 30th & 31st

Memory Verse: Romans 8:39

Bottom Line: God loves me

How many coins did the lady have?

What did she do when she found her lost coin?

You are so special to God just like the coin was special to the lady. How can we show God that He is special to us too?

Lemonade Stand Week 4

May 23rd & 24th

Memory Verse: Romans 8:39

Bottom Line: God loves me

What was the special gift that God gave us?

Why did God give us Jesus?

How does it make you feel that God loves you so much?

Lemonade Stand Week 3

May 16th & 17th

Memory Verse: Romans 8:39

Bottom Line: God loves me

Lemonade Stand Week 2

May 9th & 10th

Memory Verse: Romans 8:39

Bottom Line: God loves me

1. What did Esther do that was brave?

2. What did the King say when Esther asked him to save her people?

3. When is a time that you had to be brave? Did God help you be brave?

Lemonade Stand Week 1

May 2nd & 3rd

Memory Verse: Romans 8:39

Bottom Line: God loves me

What was good that God made?

What was the most special creation God made?

What is something that God made special about you? How does it make you feel that you were wonderfully made by God because He loves you so so so much?