Mark your calendars! 🗓️ 2025 REGISTRATION WILL OPEN ON MARCH 22ND!
We believe that camp offers something that we simply cannot recreate in a weekend service. Something special happens when we bring kids into an environment where they can focus on God, community, and creation without the distractions of their everyday lives. We cannot wait to see how God changes lives this summer at camp!
Starting this year, summer camp is for current 2nd-5th graders and will take place June 25-28th at Forest Home Christian Camps. The total cost is $369, and a $100 nonrefundable deposit is required during registration to reserve your spot. Additionally, a refund on the balance can be given until May 23rd.
Please email Suzanne Martel at [email protected] for more information.
Your generosity changes everything, help send our Kids to camp by donating to our scholarship fund.
Give Now
We want to assure you that having your 2nd-5th grader attend Kids Camp can be a great decision that will help them encounter Jesus in a unique way. If you have questions, we have answers! Click the button below to view our Frequently Asked Questions.
For any inquiries regarding assistance with camp fees, or any additional questions you have, please contact [email protected].
We want to make this camp experience great for parents, kids, and leaders! Talking with your child about what camp is like in advance helps them imagine themselves in this new experience and prepare them to be away from home and family for a few days. You can start these conversations today!
Our very own Kids Pastors Tyler and Julianne have not only grown up attending Kids Camp at Forest Home when they were children but also worked there as staff prior to their current positions at ONE&ALL! How cool is that?!
Watch the video as they both do a walk-through of Forest Home and what your child's camp experience will be.
We are created to be in community. There is power in connecting with others, sharing our stories and having people to do life with.
We believe God does not abandon or desert us in times of trouble or pain. Our Care & Support Team would love to share some resources and walk along side you through this difficult journey.
We are spiritual contributors, not merely consumers. You can make an impact and help us bring people who are far from God, near to God through your generosity.