The Authority of Jesus

Devotional Thought:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - John 10:10

This powerful verse paints a vivid picture of the spiritual battle raging around us. Satan, the thief, is relentless in his attempts to rob us of everything precious: our joy, our peace, our relationships, our purpose, and ultimately, our eternal life. But Jesus, the Good Shepherd, enters the battlefield with a completely different purpose. He comes to rescue us from the thief's clutches and offer us a life overflowing with abundance, freedom, and joy. This life is not merely an absence of hardship, but a vibrant, purposeful existence lived in close relationship with our Creator.


1. The sermon mentions the historical impact of the Jesus Movement in pushing back against societal evils. How do you see the influence of Christianity (or the lack thereof) affecting our culture today?

2. What are some specific examples of "gods" or ideologies that have gained prominence in our society as Christianity has waned? How do these "gods" manifest themselves in our lives and culture?

3. The sermon describes how Satan can gain a foothold in our lives through willing disobedience or unwilling darkness. Can you share a personal example of a time when you experienced this? How did you overcome it?

4. C.S. Lewis warned against two extremes when dealing with the demonic: ignoring its reality or giving it too much credit. How can we strike a healthy balance in our understanding and approach to spiritual warfare?

5. The sermon highlights the importance of the church's role in deliverance, both corporately and individually. How can we better support and equip one another to resist demonic influence and walk in freedom?

6. What are some practical steps we can take to "close the doors" to demonic influence in our lives? How can we cultivate a stronger relationship with Jesus and empower the Holy Spirit to work in and through us?

7. The sermon encourages us to be intentional about "plundering Satan's house" by sharing the Gospel and reclaiming territory for the Kingdom of God. What are some ways we can actively participate in this spiritual battle in our everyday lives?

8. Reflect on John 10:10 throughout the week. Ask God to reveal any areas of your life where Satan might be attempting to steal, kill, or destroy. Commit to resisting the enemy's schemes and embracing the abundant life that Jesus offers.


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