Discovering Truth

Devotional Thought:

 Jesus answered, ‘You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.’ ‘What is truth?’ retorted Pilate.

-John 18:37-38

In a world increasingly skeptical of objective truth, Pilate's question to Jesus, "What is truth?" echoes in our hearts and society. Today, truth is often seen as relative—shaped by personal experiences or cultural norms. Yet, Jesus presents a profound and unyielding declaration: He is the embodiment of truth, the ultimate standard by which all reality is measured.

This passage challenges us to see truth not as a concept but as a person—Jesus Christ. The culture's rejection of absolute truth leads to confusion, but Jesus offers clarity, hope, and direction. As disciples, we are called to embrace this truth and live it out authentically in a world desperate for meaning.

Reflection Questions:

1. How does the concept of objective truth challenge or affirm your understanding of the world?

2. In what ways have you noticed society embracing the idea of "personal truth"? How does this affect conversations about faith?

3. How does engaging with Scripture help you discern truth in your daily life? What practices can you develop to deepen this engagement?

4. How can you compassionately engage with someone who doubts the existence of objective truth?

5. The sermon mentioned a “feel-good” faith that requires nothing and gives everything. How can we guard against this in our spiritual walk?

6. Reflect on the relationship between discipleship and truth. How does knowing and sharing the truth shape your role as a disciple?

7. Matthew 28:19-20 calls us to “make disciples.” How does understanding truth equip you to fulfill this command in today’s culture?


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