Pumped About Mom

Pumped About Moms - Happy Mother's Day!


What would we do without our mothers?

Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

-Isaiah 49:15-16

"Well, yeah, you love us, but we are not convinced."

God takes the opportunity seriously.

God says "I want you to bring my theological objective truth into the closest possible connection with your heart and emotions. I want you to “feel” this deeply—until it begins to change you."

Years ago when I was seriously depressed, the thing that saved my sanity was a dry as dust grappling with Hosea’s prophecy. I spent weeks morning by morning making meticulous notes checking historical illusions in the text and slowly I began to sense the ground under my feet growing steadily firmer. I knew without any doubt that healing was springing from my struggle to grasp the meaning of the passage. If sufferers have any ability to concentrate, they should do solid inductive Bible study rather than devotional reading. In most depressed people devotional reading has stopped altogether or degenerated into something unhealthy and unhelpful.

-John White

Then drill it, and drill it, and drill it until it finds its way into your heart.


How many new mothers wish they could say, “Here, take this child, I am going to Hawaii—I’ll see you in a few weeks.”

Though she may (will) forget, I will not forget you!

-Isaiah 49:15

Mother’s love is the closest human relationship to God.

God says "My love is indestructible because I am indestructible. My love is unconditional because I am unconditional. My love is sacrificial because my nature is sacrificial."

You see a mother's love? It is nothing compared to my love for you. You see her physical love, her very being moves her toward you? Everything about my being and my glory and my faithfulness and my very nature drives me powerfully towards you. I am a God of love and faithfulness like you have never seen. I love all that I have created.

That’s just a dim reflection of my delight in you.

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

-Isaiah 49:16


1. Your life is always before me.

2. I never turn away.

3. I am always attentive.

4. I see everything.

5. I will not forget you.

If you knew that a love of this magnitude from an entity of this magnitude was really yours.

Joy would be central, sorrow peripheral.

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

-I John 3:18

As far as the child is concerned, God made adults to meet my every need. That’s what adults are for. That’s why He made them!

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

-Isaiah 49:16


Thomas was filled with doubt.

Everything is going to be ok, Thomas! Everything is going to be ok! He is risen. He loves us. He has not forsaken us. He is with us!

See my love for you. Look at what's on the palms of my hands.

Which is more than an argument. It is a deed. Not just talk. Action!

You are afraid I will forsake you? On the cross I was forsaken, so that God will never forsake you. He will love you unconditionally, as a mother loves her nursing infant.

Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.

-Psalm 27:10


That’s the best metaphor in the human experience to communicate the way that I love you.

1. Sacrificial—without thinking.

2. Loving and Adoring—without condition.

3. Desiring flourishing without second thought.

And here is the real beauty of the metaphor. God’s not stupid.

Although some mothers may desert you, I never, ever, ever, will.

He gave up what was most precious to Him so that He would not lose you.

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