When Children Stray

Devotional Thought

Raising children in today's world is no small feat, especially when the aim is to nurture a faith that perseveres amidst cultural tides. As parents and mentors, we have the challenging yet beautiful task of instilling biblical truths and values in the next generation, knowing full well that each child possesses the gift of free will. While we can lay the groundwork—teaching, disciplining, and loving them—we cannot control their choices.

The book of Proverbs reminds us to "train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). This is a proverb—an observed truth based on wisdom, not an ironclad guarantee. What it underscores is the power of intentional, godly upbringing. Even if a child strays, the seeds planted can bloom later in life, often through the most unexpected circumstances.

In our desire to keep relational ties strong, especially when faced with cultural dilemmas (such as attending events that contradict biblical teachings), it is vital to navigate with love, clarity, and uncompromising faith. Our aim should always be to model a life that aligns with biblical principles, to keep communication open, and to trust God’s ultimate sovereignty over our loved ones' journeys. This requires a delicate balance of grace and truth, always infused with fervent prayer.

Parents, grandparents, and mentors must be steadfast—never compromising faith, always modeling Christ-like behavior, and continually lifting their children up in prayer, knowing God can bring them back to Him at the most desperate of times. Like the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son, we must be ready to welcome them home with open arms, celebrating their return to the path that leads to true life.


1. Reflect on Proverbs 22:6. How does this verse encourage you in the role you play in a child’s spiritual upbringing? How does it challenge you?

2. Discuss the distinction between a proverb and a promise. Why is it important to understand this difference concerning Proverbs 22:6?

3. How do you balance the notion of free will with the responsibility of raising children in faith? Share personal experiences or struggles you may have faced.

4. When faced with the situation where a loved one strays from the faith or makes choices contrary to biblical teachings (e.g., attending a controversial event), how do you determine your response? What principles guide you?

5. Analyze the biblical story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). What lessons can we learn from the father's response that can be applied to our modern-day struggles with children who stray from the faith?

6. What does it mean to model a Christ-like life for your children or those you mentor? How can you ensure that your faith is evident in your actions, not just your words?

7. Discuss the role of prayer in parenting and mentoring. How can you intentionally pray for your children or those under your care?

8. How do cultural influences today compare to those described in the sermon regarding ancient Pergamum? What strategies can we adopt to help the younger generation navigate these challenges?

9. In what ways can you keep communication bridges open with loved ones who have walked away from the faith, without compromising your beliefs or enabling sinful behavior?

10. Share a time when you had to give a loved one over to God, trusting Him to bring them back. What were the challenges and the outcomes?

11. How can your Community support offer support in raising this generation with enduring faith? What practical steps can you take collectively?


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