Unreasonable Obedience

Chapter Two

Week 2 Devotional Thought

At the Lord’s command, they encamped, and at the Lord’s command they set out.

-Numbers 9:23

If you love me, keep my commandments.

-John 14:15

To do the work of the Father is to believe in the One He sent.

-John 6:29


In the introduction to this book, we showed how too much of Christian Living focuses on formulas. These formulas are designed in such a way as to lead us to believe that we can somehow bind God to a contract of our own making. “If I do this, then God has to do this.” I just don’t see this in scripture. God makes promises to us whereby He says, “If you do this, I will do that,” but, the people of God never seem to get around to doing “that.” Quite frankly, the God of the Bible is unpredictable in many ways. He always keeps His promises but “His ways are not our ways.” Faith comes when we trust and obey even when we can’t see how everything fits together.

However, when we are in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we learn to discern His voice and His calling. Even though we don’t know the “why” or the “how,” we know the “who.” Whatever the reason we are called upon to endure hardship, it cannot be because God does not love us. Paul echoed this sentiment in Romans 8 when he said, “He who did not spare His own son will surely give us all things (Romans 8:38).” God has already given us what is most precious to Him. Why would He withhold anything else? The answer? Because He loves us. God seldom gives us something that will destroy us but will often give us the gift of pain to save us. Therefore, it is so important to obey God in all things. Eric Alexander says, “The evidence of knowing God is obeying God.” If you truly know the God of the Bible, then you know His intentions for you are good. Consequently, you obey His words because His word is the key that unlocks the abundant, extraordinary, adventurous life.


Weekly Response


1. Discuss how the concept of fear enters into Gideon’s story.

2. Does God condemn the first group of 22,000 that left or the second group of 9,700? Why or why not?

3. Has God ever “delivered” you from seemingly insurmountable odds? Discuss.

4. What are the different ways in which God builds our faith? What is our role in this?

5. “What are the ramifications of failing to see our unfortunate circumstances as tests that measure the level of our obedience, and in turn, the level to which God is willing to use us? Many live mediocre lives because they simply can’t get to the stage where they will obey the hard call and endure the hard times, seeing both as stepping-stones to the greatest victories of their lives.” — Jeff Vines

6. Discuss this paragraph:

“You say, "I never hear the voice of God." That's because you lack the disciplines associated with hearing God's voice, or you have failed to understand how the Word of God and the voice of God are inextricably tied together.” — Jeff Vines

What part of this paragraph speaks to you the loudest?

7. What Scripture do you know that is relevant to this discussion?

8. How are the lives of people like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Daniel, and Paul the Apostle similar? What are the characteristics we should emulate?

9. Can you explain the difference between “unreasonable” and “contradictory.” This is important. While God may ask you to do something unreasonable, He would never ask you to do something that contradicts His objective truth recorded in the Bible. Make sure you understand the difference. Otherwise, you may be like the young woman who said that God told her to leave her husband and children and go to Africa as a Missionary. What's wrong with this picture?


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