Stay Off God's Throne

Chapter 7 

Week 7 Devotional Thought: (Posts weekend of Oct 14/15)

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed–not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence–continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

-Philippians 2:12

If we are saved by grace through faith, why must we “work out” our salvation?  To many, this sounds like a “saved by works” passage.  This, however, misunderstands the meaning of “work out.”  I ended the last chapter with some of the words included in the popular hymn, “Amazing Grace.” Another Hymn written by Augustus Toplady, Rock of Ages, perhaps the most common hymn in church hymnals, includes the words, “Be of sin the double cure. Save me from its guilt and power.”  Yes, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus’ atoning work on the cross.  Yet, upon such salvation the Holy Spirit comes into our lives to remove the stain of guilt our sins have caused, but also, to give us the supernatural power to defeat the sin that attempts to destroy us.  He is the same Spirit that “helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God Romans 8:26-27.”

We must never forget that a major reason God places His spirit in us is to sanctify us, or, conform us to the image of His son.  You and I are called to be like Christ, that the world may know the One who saves us, loves us, and redeems our past. We work out our salvation in the sense that we respond to the call of the Spirit in our lives. We obey the voice of God in us. We trust that God the Spirit communicates with God the Father as they work together to achieve God's specific and unique calling in our lives.  Because we know the Spirit of God is purifying our souls and working diligently in all things to make us holy, both legally and pragmatically, we can trust that the circumstances of our lives play a major role in conforming us to the image of the Son.

Therefore, give God your full attention and obedience in every circumstance, every single day. Rid your mind of the idea of coincidence and renew it toward the reality that God sovereignly ordains and allows the unfortunate events of your life, taking every opportunity to build your trust in Him as He takes every disadvantage, turns it into an advantage, and uses it for His glory. 

Weekly Response

1. When talking about judgment, Jeff said, “If God were to judge everything right now, would you be left standing?” It is so easy to see the sin and consequent damage in other people’s lives but not so easy to see the damage we cause by our own sins and failures.  What habits in your life are causing havoc in the lives of others. Are you willing to repent?  

2. Do you find it difficult to imagine a God who would allow some of the atrocities that occur on this planet? What is Jeff’s response?

3. Read Romans 8:29. What is the difference between “predestined” and “foreknew.”  What did God foreknow? What did God predestine?  If God has ordained that all who receive Christ will be conformed to the image of the Son, what does that say about God’s activity in your life?

4. Does it help to know that “delayed judgment” is not the same as “no judgment?”  How?

5. “The real miracle of a Sovereign God is found not in His determination to prevent every unfortunate event but in taking what is meant for evil and using it for good.” How is this a greater miracle than the preordination of every event.

6. What difficult person, or circumstances, has God brought into your life to teach you valuable lessons and prepare you for future victories?

7. How willing are you to allow God to sit on His throne without questioning His every move? How willing are you to relinquish control? Why might this be difficult for you? Can you admit that you don’t know better than God how your life should be going?  He knows where He is taking you. Will you say, “ Hinene. Here I am. Do with me as you please?”  What is preventing you from having this attitude?


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