The Best Gift of All
As a kid, I remember Christmas being my favorite holiday. Not much has changed because it’s definitely still my favorite one! I’m the annoying person who listens to Christmas music in June because they can’t wait for December! Sorry not sorry?
From all the decorations to the Christmas treats, the family get-togethers and the ugly Christmas sweater parties, I’m a Christmas junkie and proud of it. I love to cuddle up on the couch in my pj’s, light the fireplace and extra candles, make hot coffee, and watch Home Alone, White Christmas, Elf and even the cheesy Hallmark movies over and over again. Who’s with me? Haha!
When I was younger, my parents would hide mine and my sister’s gifts around the house and we would have to hunt for them on Christmas morning. It was probably the most exciting thing that happened to us all year. I also remember going to fancy neighborhoods to see Christmas lights, taking trips up to Santa’s Village, and making cinnamon rolls from scratch with my Mama. She made these really cute Christmas aprons for my sisters and I to wear while we baked, and she STILL has those aprons! She takes them out every Christmas, but now my 3 year old daughter and my nieces wear them. It’s adorable!
Although it can also be a time of grief for those who’ve lost loved ones (myself included), the Christmas holiday can be such a beautiful and heartfelt season and a time to make memories to last you a lifetime.
But more than anything, the thing I remember most about my childhood Christmases and the thing I now try to teach my own kids, is that Christmas is not about presents and all the feel-good things. Those are all great, but what Christmas is really Jesus.
She will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21
When Jesus was born, it signified the start of such a huge mission. Even the way it all went down blows my mind. (see Luke 2 for Christmas story)
See, Jesus had to be born in order for the greatest sacrifice of all to be fulfilled...Him dying on the cross. It’s because of the birth of Jesus, the life He lived, and the death he endured that we have the promise of eternal life, love, forgiveness, and hope.
And not one day goes by where I’m not reminded of that hope.
It was that hope that rescued me from a 12 year abusive relationship.
It was that hope that gave my sister the strength to quit Meth and stay sober from 10 years of being addicted.
And today, it’s that hope that’s helping my Dad battle cancer and my son cope with a father who abandoned him, and that has kept alive my faith in beautiful marriages.
It’s the hope of Christ Jesus and something no one can take away. That to me is really the only gift I need and the best gift of all.
So this Christmas, go to town with all the feel-good holiday things, seriously have an amazing Christmas Friends!
Just don’t forget about why we celebrate to begin with...Jesus.