In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL & have a small reflective time for you meditate with Jesus so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

Idols | Julianne Georges

Today Pastor Julianne asks us a question to really ponder about, "What idols do you have in your life?" We all worship something, what's yours?

Listen to "Idols | Julianne Georges" on Spreaker.

Dating Nonbelievers | Michael Kisaka

In today’s episode Pastor Michael gets down to the point on the most important precept on dating. He encourages singles, especially young singles, with Scripture on who they should date.

Listen to "Dating Nonbelievers | Michael Kisaka" on Spreaker.

Battleships | Matt Chavez

Life often feels like a game of Battleship - we strategize, fight, and endure stress. However, as Christians, we have the assurance that we are not fighting these battles alone. Today, let's explore how our faith provides us with the strength and support we need to overcome the challenges of life.

Listen to "Battleships | Matt Chavez" on Spreaker.

Unfortunate Event | Jeff Vines

Start your day with a reminder from Pastor Jeff about how the unfortunate events in our life can either build our faith or just allow it to fester in our lives to where we don't grow a deeper relationship with God

Listen to "Unfortunate Event | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

Shining Brings Glory | Dru Rodriguez

In today's episode, Pastor Dru shares how the more we spend time with God he will begin to use us to lead others, even without us knowing. Simply being a light to others brings glory to God.

Listen to "Shining Brings Glory | Dru Rodriguez" on Spreaker.

The Longest Day | Danielle Frazer

Tune in today as Pastor Danielle reminds us how we can still make audacious acts and take a big leap of faith while we are in the midst of our battles.

Listen to "The Longest Day | Danielle Frazer" on Spreaker.

Don't Go Back to Egypt | Kristin Groene

Join Kristin in today’s episode as she addresses the feeling of loneliness in our struggles and the temptation to revert back to old ways. Tune in and be inspired to trust in God’s guidance and strength during such challenging times as these.

Listen to "Don't Go Back to Egypt | Kristin Groene" on Spreaker.

Discipline | Tyler Riffey

Do you love challenging games? Pastor Tyler challenges us to be disciplined with our relationship with Jesus just as we are in other things in our lives that we love.

Listen to "Discipline | Tyler Riffey" on Spreaker.

Ah-ha Moments | Jeff Vines

In Today's episode, Pastor Jeff shares what an ah-ha moment is for us regarding our responses to unfortunate circumstances or events. He encourages us to use our experiences to see the beauty that God has created in our unfortunate circumstances.

Listen to "Ah-ha Moments | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

Easy to Grumble | Dru Rodriguez

Today Pastor Dru talks about how we can be bold in our circumstances because God is powerful and promises to give us what we need. Sometimes God requires us to do things that may seem unreasonable; we just need to trust him.

Listen to "Easy to Grumble | Dru Rodriguez" on Spreaker.