In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL & have a small reflective time for you meditate with Jesus so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

Underwater Cave | Steve Meharg

How much do you trust your friends? Pastor Steve Meharg talks about a time where he put full faith in his friends and what that teaches us about our relationship with Jesus.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "Underwater Cave | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

The Greatest Battle | Jeff Vines

Our greatest battle is laying down the things we were never meant to take up or fulfill. Pastor Jeff Vines talks to us about a new direction we need to take with our lives.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "The Greatest Battle | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

Lay Buy | Steve Meharg

Today Pastor Steve Meharg teaches us that our salvation was bought by Jesus!

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "Lay Buy | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Forgiveness - Easy to Say Hard to Do | Jeff Vines

How are you at forgiving those who wrong you? Today's devotional from Pastor Jeff Vines will encourage you to get better at it for your sake, not the sake of others.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "Forgiveness - Easy to Say Hard to Do | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

You Win | Steve Meharg

Are you fighting the battle that God has prepared you for? Pastor Steve Meharg leans us in to that thought today!

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "You Win | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

All About Me | Jeff Vines

Pastor Jeff Vines reminds us today the life is not all about him or you or us. It's about something far greater!

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "All About Me | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

Theory of Everything | Steve Meharg

What do you have at the center of your life? Let's lean in to Pastor Steve Meharg's teaching today and evaluate if we have the right thing in the center.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "Theory of Everything | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Sun Watchers | Jeff Vines

Are you going through life focused on your next pleasurable experience? Pastor Jeff Vines shares with us that without a bigger purpose to life, pleasurable experiences alone wont lead to fulfillment.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "Sun Watchers | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

Goldmine | Steve Meharg

Today, Pastor Steve Meharg reminds us that doing the hard work of digging deep and going below the surface in our spiritual walks is worth the effort.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "Goldmine | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Deliver Us From Evil | Jeff Vines

A prayer many of us have been praying this day and age is "deliver me from evil." Pastor Jeff Vines shares with us the context in which these words were prayed in the Bible

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "Deliver Us From Evil | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.