In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL & have a small reflective time for you meditate with Jesus so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

Hurt So Good | Jeff Vines

Pastor Jeff Vines was a potter in his early age and through that job learned a lot about how God views us.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "Hurt So Good | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

I Should Have Kept My Mouth Shut | Steve Meharg

Jesus has harsh words for a specific group of people but it may not be who you think.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "I Should Have Kept My Mouth Shut | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Kicked Out of the Nest | Rory Eldridge

The Eagle is a symbol of how we want to be in life. Soaring. Pastor Rory Eldridge shares with us today how an Eagle learns to soar and how that applies to our lives.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "Kicked Out of the Nest | Rory Eldridge" on Spreaker.

Bumper Stickers | Steve Meharg

What was the most famous verse for the first 300 years of Christianity? Pastor Steve Meharg shares that with us today!

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "Bumper Stickers | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Follow the Leader | Jeff Vines

What can we learn from a California Naval ship Captain about Jesus? Pastor Jeff Vines shares with us a little nugget about leadership.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "Follow the Leader | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

Stay Hungry | Steve Meharg

Pastor Steve Meharg reminices on when he first became a Christain and a realization he's made recently.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "Stay Hungry | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Get'er Done | Jeff Vines

Pastor Jeff Vines points out a verse in the Bible that seems unfair. When we look a little closer we learn an important truth about God.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "Get'er Done | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

Metal Bars or Mental Bars | Rory Eldridge

Are you bound by mental bars and is it affecting your day to day life? Today Pastor Rory Eldridge challenges us to break free!

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "Metal Bars or Mental Bars | Rory Eldridge" on Spreaker.

A Defining Mark | Jeff Vines

Today's passage is the defining mark of a genuine Christ follower. Let's listen in to Pastor Jeff Vines!

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "A Defining Mark | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

Gossip is Fun | Steve Meharg

Often we don't mention the part of sin that is fun. Pastor Steve Meharg reminds us that even though sin may be fun in the present, it's long term ramifications are far from it.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

Want more? Sign up for the ONE&ALL Online Digital Digest

Listen to "Gossip is Fun | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.