In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL & have a small reflective time for you meditate with Jesus so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

Gas Tank On Full | Matt Chavez

Joy is a choice and our outward circumstances do not need to dictate our inward attitude. Find how we can look to Jesus to choose joy in all our circumstances.

Listen to "Gas Tank On Full | Matt Chavez" on Spreaker.

Back to Eden | Steve Meharg

Do you ever wonder why God didn't just take away the tree from which Eve & Adam ate the fruit of? Pastor Steve reminds us that we shouldn't want to go back to Eden but rather that we have a better place in the kingdom of God to look forward to.

Listen to "Back to Eden | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

You Are Sent | Michael Kisaka

What is it our purpose on earth? Pastor Michael explains.

Listen to "You Are Sent | Michael Kisaka" on Spreaker.

Theology Is Not Just For Theologians | Kelly Soiles

Did you know theology is the study of God and His relationship with humanity? Our theology shapes how we view God, ourselves & the world. As we delve deeper into understanding theology, we grow a deeper understanding of who God is.

Listen to "Theology Is Not Just For Theologians | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

Are You Serious? | Dru Rodriguez

When it comes to your faith, have you taken it seriously or have you been on crusie control?

Listen to "Are You Serious? | Dru Rodriguez" on Spreaker.

Painful God | Steve Meharg

Do you ever wonder if God is just kicking back while we go through struggles in our lives? Pastor Steve reminds us how intentional God is even in our struggles.

Listen to "Painful God | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

The Great Exchange | Rory Eldridge

The greatest exchange in our lives that we think of are the times where we exchanged something so valuable to us for something more valuable but risky. Pastor Rory talks to us about the true greatest exchange on earth, his son for us.

Listen to "The Great Exchange | Rory Eldridge" on Spreaker.

It Comes Before the Fall | Byron Saravia

We try so hard to do things on our own when we actually need God a lot more than we may think.

Listen to "It Comes Before the Fall | Byron Saravia" on Spreaker.

Be Still | Danielle Frazer

Life can seem so loud at times that it may be difficult to find a moment to spend time with God. Pastor Danielle explains what it truly means to be still.

Listen to "Be Still | Danielle Frazer" on Spreaker.

Was Blind, Now I See | Dru Rodriguez

Sometimes we are can be answer driven by the questions we have in our lives that we overlook look the power of Jesus.

Listen to "Was Blind, Now I See | Dru Rodriguez" on Spreaker.