In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL & have a small reflective time for you meditate with Jesus so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

Let's Have Some Food! | Kelly Soiles

Food seems to be a natural fuel to building relationships. Today, Pastor Kelly Soiles encourages us to invite someone for a meal or coffee and see how the Lord moves.

Listen to "Let's Have Some Food! | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

A Trustworthy Point of Reference | Kelly Soiles

Today, Pastor Kelly Soiles asks us to reflect on who or what serves as the ultimate point of reference in our lives.

Listen to "A Trustworthy Point of Reference | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

Who Do You Hate? | Steve Meharg

Today, Pastor Steve Meharg reminds us that God loves EVERYONE, even the people we dislike.

Listen to "Who Do You Hate? | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Over The Shoulder | Steve Meharg

In today’s devotional thought, Pastor Steve Meharg reminds us that whatever we do to people, we also do to God.

Listen to "Over The Shoulder | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Similar Yet Completely Different | Steve Meharg

Today, Pastor Steve Meharg shares the beauty of how the Old Testament reflects the better things to come in the New Testament.

Listen to "Similar Yet Completely Different | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

You're Part of the Family | Steve Meharg

What an amazing thing to be called children of God! Let’s listen to Pastor Steve Meharg share about our adoption into God’s family.

Listen to "You're Part of the Family | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Seeing Through the Fog | Kelly Soiles

Worry can settle over our lives like a thick fog, making it difficult to see clearly. Let’s hear what Pastor Kelly Soiles has to share about worry and how we can overcoming it.

Listen to "Seeing Through the Fog | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

Good Works Are Good | Steve Meharg

Following Jesus isn’t all about getting to heaven. Today, Pastor Steve Meharg reminds us that we can have a bit of heaven on earth when we devote ourselves to living like Jesus here and now.

Listen to "Good Works Are Good | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

An Audience of One | Kelly Soiles

How do you approach worship? Today, Pastor Kelly Soiles asks this question and prompts us to think about who our audience really is during worship.

Listen to "An Audience of One | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

Like a Sink Full of Dirty Dishes | Kelly Soiles

Today, Pastor Kelly Soiles encourages us to soak in God’s presence, even if our problems are baked on.

Listen to "Like a Sink Full of Dirty Dishes | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.