In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL & have a small reflective time for you meditate with Jesus so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

23 Degrees | Steve Meharg

There is so much we can learn from science and math but did you know what we can learn about God from those two subjects? Listen in to Pastor Steve Meharg teach us how all of creation glorifies God!

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Listen to "23 Degrees | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

The Bible Isn't a Fairytale | Steve Meharg

As we focus on knowing God and who He is, it's important we understand the Bible isn't like any other book we read. Pastor Steve Meharg shares with us today about the power in the the Word of God.

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Listen to "The Bible Isn't a Fairytale | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Santa I Know Him | Steve Meharg

Do you believe in God, or do you know God? For some of us we may. It see a difference there but today Pastor Steve Meharg shows us the massive difference to those two statements.

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Listen to "Santa I Know Him | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Get Out of the Tree | Steve Meharg

Pastor Steve Meharg shares with us today that when we pursue God, not only will we find him but it will be the greatest adventure of your life!

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "Get Out of the Tree | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

What Are You Standing On? | Steve Meharg

Let's talk about faith today! Pastor Steve Meharg talks about our misconception of faith and how its deeper meaning will guide our lives and give us a form foundation to stand on.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "What Are You Standing On? | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Seeds | Steve Meharg

Today we're going to look at promise from God found in the Bible that will revolutionize our lives if we just believe it. Lets lean in to today's teaching with Pastor Steve Meharg.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "Seeds | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Scared to Tell the Truth | Steve Meharg

Today, Pastor Steve Meharg shares with us a truth found in the Bible that is too good to be true.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "Scared to Tell the Truth | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

I wish I could be like ____ | Steve Meharg

Who do you look up to and wish you could be like? Pastor Steve Meharg shares with us someone we can actually be like today.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "I wish I could be like ____ | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

I Love Bread | Steve Meharg

Not all bread is created equal. Jesus uses bread as a metaphor for the Kingdom of God, let's join Pastor Steve Meharg for this teaching.

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "I Love Bread | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

No Worries | Steve Meharg

Today's devotional thought boils down to one simple message, "Do not worry". Jesus said it over and over again in the Bible so let's listen in together to today's devotional thought!

If you're ready to take your next step with Jesus, visit

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Listen to "No Worries | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.