In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL & have a small reflective time for you meditate with Jesus so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

Still Standing | Matt Chavez

When a hurricane comes into our lives do we have the strong foundation to remain standing in the midst of it? Pastor Matt will share how to remain standing during the wild storms in our lives.

Listen to "Still Standing | Matt Chavez" on Spreaker.

Live Like a Leper | Kelly Soiles

Gratitude should be a posture that we assume daily. How many of us worship the blessings more than the One that gave them to us?

Listen to "Live Like a Leper | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

In Due Season | Allan Walters

This world asks so much of us, we live in constant pressure to abide by where society says we should be in our lives but forget our moments are ultimately in God's timing.

Listen to "In Due Season | Allan Walters" on Spreaker.

The Power of Four | Rory Eldridge

Pastor Rory explains what the Power of Four means in your daily life. It's life-changing.

Listen to "The Power of Four | Rory Eldridge" on Spreaker.

Is Your Faith Costing You? | Yesenia Vazquez

What does it take to pick up your cross, sacrifice, and intercede for others? Are we willing to let our faith truly cost us something?

Listen to "Is Your Faith Costing You? | Yesenia Vazquez" on Spreaker.

Victory For Everyone | Merisa Marquez

When our life doesn't go as we planned are we willing to follow God's plan? Don't count your losses, count your victories.

Listen to "Victory For Everyone | Merisa Marquez" on Spreaker.

No Where Else to Go | Yesenia Vazquez

As Christ-followers, God has promised us eternal life but he didn't say life will be easy. Who do you go to when life brings frustrations and hardships? What is the other option that will give you eternal life?

Listen to "No Where Else to Go | Yesenia Vazquez" on Spreaker.

Si Mu Manyi | Michael Kisaka

Are you afraid to share the story of Jesus? Is it becuase of the way todays culture has "canceled" many well known public christians? Well, Pastor Michael reminds us that we shouldn't be afriad to share the story of Jesus becuase we are sharing the truth that sets all people free & we share in & through the love of Jesus.

Listen to "Si Mu Manyi | Michael Kisaka" on Spreaker.

Pressure | Merisa Marquez

Do you feel like there is a lot of pressure on you whether to perfom in work or to compete with your peers success in life? No matter the reason, pressure is often on all of us. Today, Merisa reminds us that we have the capacity to allow God to take the pressure off of our shoulders so he can do the best work in us.

Listen to "Pressure | Merisa Marquez" on Spreaker.

Social Media ≠ Your Pastor | Dru Rodriguez

We are in the Digital Age, the Social Media Age. The Christian content we seek on social media may have the wrong heart behind it. Do we fall for the facade or does the Holy Spirit dawn you in to find a wise Christian with Biblical literacy that can exhibit Jesus' humbleness and gentleness?

Listen to "Social Media ≠ Your Pastor | Dru Rodriguez" on Spreaker.