In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL & have a small reflective time for you meditate with Jesus so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

"With Whom I'm Well Pleased" | Joseph Grabowski

Today, Pastor Joseph Grabowski reminds us of God’s radical love for His people.

Listen to ""With Whom I'm Well Pleased" | Joseph Grabowski" on Spreaker.

Reflections of God's Glory | Joseph Grabowski

When we encounter God, everything changes. Today, Pastor Joseph Grabowski encourages us to be a reflection of God.

Listen to "Reflections of God's Glory | Joseph Grabowski" on Spreaker.

Why We Serve God | Joseph Grabowski

Today, Pastor Joseph Grabowski challenges us to think about who or what we are serving with our lives.

Listen to "Why We Serve God | Joseph Grabowski" on Spreaker.

God Accepts You | Jeff Vines

Today, Pastor Jeff Vines shares a very emotional moment in his life that lead to his realization of this profound truth: we're saved by God, not upon how well we obey Him.

Listen to "God Accepts You | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

No Hurry | Byron Saravia

Today, Pastor Byron Saravia encourages us to slow down and refocus our attention on Jesus.

Listen to "No Hurry | Byron Saravia" on Spreaker.

How to Forgive When They Don't Say Sorry | Byron Saravia

Forgiveness can be hard, especially when someone hasn't asked for forgiveness. Today, Pastor Byron Saravia reminds us that God calls us to forgive others just as we have been forgiven.

Listen to "How to Forgive When They Don't Say Sorry | Byron Saravia" on Spreaker.

Crossroads | Byron Saravia

What would it look like to trust God with all our heart? Today, Pastor Byron Saravia encourages us to surrender every decision and circumstance to God.

Listen to "Crossroads | Byron Saravia" on Spreaker.

Won't He Do It? | Byron Saravia

What are you trying to control today? Let’s hear what Pastor Byron Saravia has to share about the freedom in trusting the Lord.

Listen to "Won't He Do It? | Byron Saravia" on Spreaker.

Left Unread | Byron Saravia

Today, Pastor Byron Saravia encourages us to not leave God unread.

Listen to "Left Unread | Byron Saravia" on Spreaker.

People First Culture | Allan Walters

Today, Allan Walters encourages us to step out in faith and believe in miracles not only for yourself but for others.

Listen to "People First Culture | Allan Walters" on Spreaker.