In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL & have a small reflective time for you meditate with Jesus so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

One Day At a Time | Rory Eldridge

Pastor Rory Eldridge shares four things to do in order to trust God everyday.

Listen to "One Day At a Time | Rory Eldridge" on Spreaker.

Just a Little Patience | Steve Meharg

Today, Pastor Steve Meharg encourages us to practice patience and reflect on God’s perfect timing.

Listen to "Just a Little Patience | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

But That's Not Fair | Kelly Soiles

Today, think of someone who benefitted from your hard work in school or maybe a co-worker that got praise for something you did. There is a story in the Bible that Pastor Kelly Soiles shares with us that touches on this scenario.

Listen to "But That's Not Fair | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

For and From | Rory Eldridge

Today, Pastor Rory Eldridge reminds us that we are not only created FOR community but FROM community.

Listen to "For and From | Rory Eldridge" on Spreaker.

An Economy of Anger | Steve Meharg

Anger seems to be everywhere we look these days. Today, Pastor Steve Meharg shares that we can navigate through the current climate of the world without giving in to anger and outrage.

Listen to "An Economy of Anger | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Obstacles or Opportunities | Kelly Soiles

We all face difficult obstacles throughout our lives. Today, Pastor Kelly Soiles shares how, with Jesus, every obstacle presents an opportunity.

Listen to "Obstacles or Opportunities | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

Let's Get Ready To Rumble | Rory Eldridge

Life is an everyday battle. Today, Pastor Rory Eldridge shares a very important tool we need to combat the battles of life.

Listen to "Let's Get Ready To Rumble | Rory Eldridge" on Spreaker.

The Other Kind of "Saved" | Steve Meharg

In today’s meditational thought, Pastor Steve Meharg shares about the other kind of “saved” — sanctification.

Listen to "The Other Kind of "Saved" | Steve Meharg" on Spreaker.

Wonder and Awe | Kelly Soiles

It's easy to dismiss the miracles from the Bible as something that could actually happen to us today. Pastor Kelly Soiles reminds us today that they can and do happen, we're just not looking closely enough.

Listen to "Wonder and Awe | Kelly Soiles" on Spreaker.

Tub Thumper | Rory Eldridge

Have you been knocked down, messed up, made mistakes that you feel you can't come back from. Pastor Rory Eldridge shares with us how we're called to respond as Christians to getting knocked down.

Listen to "Tub Thumper | Rory Eldridge" on Spreaker.